Monday, November 12, 2012


Whats up with all these doctors prescribing antidepressants to people even when they know that they do more harm than good? Its all about the money that's why! Supposedly there is a chemical imbalance in the brain but yet there is no scientific evidence to prove this! People today just have to say the word sad to their family doctor and boom they can get prescribed an antidepressant. The company that produces Paxil got sued not to long ago for over a billion dollars because their antidepressant was causing thousands of people on Paxil to commit suicide. The worst thing about all these pills is that children are starting to take them more and more! Two year old children are on antidepressants! How the heck can a two year old be depressed? I have read several books by authors like: Irvin Kirsh, Robert Whitaker, Joanna Moncrieff and Ethan Watters in which they all make a point that these pills are a fluke. Pharmaceutical companies are really smart on how they promote their product. I think we need to get back to actually helping patients with their problems and over come them. We need to step away from this medical model which is hurting a lot of people. If you havent seen this video I suggest you do and look at where I am coming from. Its pretty long though.


  1. I totally agree that antidepressants aren't as helpful as some think. Sometimes just exercisimg more or eating healthier can make a BIG difference.

  2. We live in a world where we want fast and easy results, hence the medication. Medication is a lot faster and easier than therapy, and setting a healthy diet, or an exercise routine. I agree that medication is not always the answer (especially when it comes to children), however, sometimes it is needed. But I do think it is ridiculous that parents are angry about this, because no one can prescribe your child medication unless you allow it, you can inquire about other options, but like I said, medication is easier, and faster. Sad but true.

  3. Yes, that's been the recent argument about antidepressants and psychotropics; I agree! I'm not sure if I only pay attention to negative things, but it seems to me that a lot of the side effects are worse than the actual disorder--suicide!
